One of many memories... x
Created by nicolamichelle1 12 years ago
Not a day has gone by when I haven't thought about you Donna... such a brave, insperational, fun and beautiful person. We said our final goodbyes just over 3 weeks ago now... but I know its not forever as I am sure we'll all join you again one day...
Looking back at photos of you I remember all the fun and laughter we shared (usually at other peoples expense!) And that's how i'll remember you Donna always smiling, laughing and enjoying life.
One particular event I remember was when we had a girly night round yours, we were all having a proper giggle, sharing stories and as usual taking the mickey out of each other! I remember we were watching a programme about tourettes and we were jokingly saying we thought you had it as you were always swearing! lol
After such a lovely evening we decided to all sit out the garden for a while... it was very dark so someone had a bright idea of telling ghost stories... My favourite! (not!!!)
It always happened ... late at night and i'd always beg people to stop as i'd have to go home to a dark house on my own and yes I was easily scared (and yes, it was not the best thing to let you and your sisters know this...) as this made you want to scare me more!
After hours of holding it in, I was desperate for the loo (but after hearing your stories) I did not want to go on my own, so I dragged someone with me. When I came out, the house was silent? I should have known what you had planned!... You popped your head round the banister (those of you who know the story will know why Donna did this!) and you scared the life out of me! You laughed so much you were almost crying and you knew I had more to come... All the other girls were hidden around your house and garden and were jumping out at me from everywhere! Running from the back of the garden in darkness towards me! etc (Cows!) Everyone found it hilarious! Especially you!!!
I couldn't stay mad at you for long though because I knew I would have done exactly the same! And hearing you all laughing made me laugh too (eventually).
That's something i'll always remember Don, even when we would go for a sneaky fag, we'd always be laughing and joking especially when we were being mischevious and up to no good!
You made the most of life and have left a path of memories that will go on forever...
No one will ever forget you Donna, you will live on in the hearts and memories of your friends, your beautiful children and your amazing family.
Lots of love for you... Nicola (Coxy)
Sleep tight Don... Until we meet again x x x